A Estrela


A Estrela: There is a light that never goes out.
Guia luminoso na noite escura.

A música (letra incompleta, apenas estrofes relacionadas ao Arcano):


Take me out tonight
Where there’s music and there’s people
Who are young and alive
Driving in your car
I never never want to go home
Because I haven’t got one anymore >>>> TORRE > ESTRELA


Take me out tonight
Take me anywhere
I don’t care, I don’t care, I don’t care
And in the darkened underpass, I thought
“Oh, God, my chance has come at last”
But then a strange fear gripped me
And I just couldn’t ask >>>> ESTRELA > LUA


There is a light that never goes out  >>>> ESTRELA


Me leve para sair esta noite
Onde haja música e pessoas
Que sejam jovens e vivas
No seu carro
Eu nunca nunca vou querer ir para casa
Porque não tenho mais uma casa

Me leve para sair esta noite
Me leve para qualquer lugar
Eu não me importo, não me importo, não me importo
E numa passagem subterrânea escurecida, eu pensei
“Oh, Deus, minha chance finalmente chegou”
Mas então um medo estranho me tomou
E eu simplesmente não pude pedir

Existe uma luz que nunca se apaga







{sobre o Arcano XV}
Sexo, paixão, correntes e intensidade, como O Diabo gosta.


been trying to meet you
must be a devil between us
or whores in my head
whores at my door
whores in my bed
but hey
where have you been?
if you go i will surely die
we’re chained

uh said the man to the lady
uh said the lady to the man she adored
and the whores like a choir
go uh all night
and Mary ain’t you tired of this
that the mother makes when the baby breaks
we’re chained

/ Pixies


Clipe Astrológico

Astrologia & Gatos, duas paixões que definem muito de quem sou, reunidas neste clipe de ficção científica (que também adoro).

O clipe narra a história de um rompimento amoroso entre um aquariano e uma taurina. Uma música sobre quadraturas!

Segue a letra:

Just from fighting
Just one anniversary
So I never thought you’d be the one to up and leave
You said our love was
Written in the stars

But I never paid attention to my charts
But now I see how quick you must want to forget
Cause you left the ring I bought you with your cigarettes
Well I can finish up if you don’t want them
And I can take the ring back where I got it from

I can love it, or
I can leave it
You said honey, I
Best believe it
Cause your a novice, and
I’m a taurus, and
I’m not gonna say
I’m not gonna do
I can love it, or
I can leave it
You say honey I
Best believe it
Cause you’re a taurus, and
I’m aquarius, and
I’m not gonna say
I’m not gonna do

Never thought about it sentimentally
Never saw just how much you thought I meant to me
Never learned about it at university
Never thought about it cause your the first, you see
And I’m aware of the procedure
But normally it’s me that leaves her
I guess I’m finished up. It’s time to move on
I’m taking the ring back to where I got it from

I can love it, or
I can leave it
You said honey I, best believe it
Cause your a novice, and
I’m a taurus, and
I’m not gonna say
I’m not gonna do
I can love it, or I can leave it
You said honey, I
Best believe it
Cause your a novice and
I’m a taurus, and
We’ve had problems. We’re
Notorious for them
It’s what your friends said. Now
You’re inside there. Now
I’ve seen our stars, and
There’s nothing aligning. That’s
Cause I’m Aquarius
Yeah I’m Aquarius
I’m Aquarius



Comportamentos tipicamente aquarianos:

“But now I see how quick you must want to forget
Cause you left the ring I bought you with your cigarettes
Well I can finish up if you don’t want them
And I can take the ring back where I got it from”

“Never thought about it sentimentally
Never saw just how much you thought I meant to me
Never learned about it at university
Never thought about it cause your the first, you see
And I’m aware of the procedure
But normally it’s me that leaves her
I guess I’m finished up. It’s time to move on
I’m taking the ring back to where I got it from”

E comportamentos taurinos:

“I can love it, or
I can leave it
You said honey I, best believe it
Cause your a novice, and
I’m a taurus, and
I’m not gonna say
I’m not gonna do”


Este clipe me foi enviado por uma super astróloga, e super gateira. Uma inspiração. Amanda Costa.

Pure Morning

Para mim é difícil expressar em palavras tudo o que sinto cada vez que assisto a esse clipe. Vale ver até o fim e experimentar a sensação antes de terminar de ler este post…

Para fazer algo inusitado é preciso coragem. É a aventura do Louco, o salto no desconhecido. Sentimos receio, hesitamos, e sim, há a possibilidade de que estejamos mesmo colocando tudo a perder, como a maioria das pessoas muitas vezes nos faz acreditar. Mas, para fazermos algo magnífico com as nossas vidas, é preciso ir em direção a nossa verdade.

(E se por acaso der errado, encontrar forças para recomeçar).